good cause

Liverpool Partners meet their sponsor students!

Liverpool Partners meet their sponsor students!

A wonderful team of our generous supporters Liverpool Partners recently travelled all the way to our schools in rural Uganda to finally meet the class of 40 students they have been sponsoring since 2017. Read on to find out more about their moving journey.

An Inspiring Climb for Claudia

An Inspiring Climb for Claudia

Our wonderful supporter Claudia recently came along on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure with us, hiking Mt Kilimanjaro and visiting our school campuses in Uganda. Take a look at what she has to say about the time she spent with us on this journey.

'Climbing Kilimanjaro was the toughest, most incredible thing I've ever done.'

'Climbing Kilimanjaro was the toughest, most incredible thing I've ever done.'

There were moments I questioned my life decisions and would have been totally ok to stop. It was in those moments I reminded myself why I was here. The money raised would go towards education and improving the quality of life of so many kids. It was bigger than me, and it was time to dig deep. My mantra for the climb was ‘One foot in front of the other, one breath and then the next’.