Meet some of our students.... and watch them grow!

Ronald Muyanja

Meet Ronald, a bright 10 year old who is aiming for the sky.  One of the first students at School for Life, Ronald wants to one day become a pilot.  His love for reading and his talent for mathematics are moving him towards realising his dream.  Despite losing his father in a car accident Ronald is aiming high thanks to the love of his mother and grandmother who work hard to support the family. 

“My grandmother wants us to attend school everyday so that we can become very important people in the community. And I love going to school, I love the food and playing football with my friends.”

Rose Nakaye

Rose, a sweet 10 year old has been so changed by her teachers that she wants to become one when she grows up.  Rose’s father passed away and her mother was forced to abandon her children a few years ago.  It was at this lowest point that School for Life came in to support Rose – providing not only education, but hope.

“I thank School for life for employing good teachers that have been there for us since the time we were abandoned.  I had lost hope in life but now I am happy and I want to be a teacher when I finish school.  I love school because I have many friends and we eat good foo, compared to home where sometimes we go without.” 

Prossy Nakayiwa

This is Prossy, a little girl with a big future in her sights.  At only 7 years old she wants to grow up to be a policewoman to help families affected by domestic violence.  As one of 10 children, Prossy had to drop out of school as her single mother could not afford the fees.  Things turned around for the family when Prossy joined School for Life that also employs her mum as a cook. 

“We used to have one meal a day but now we are at school we are learning, playing with friends and have three delicious meals a day.”

Simon Kityamuweesi

This is Simon, a smiling, car-loving 10 year old who dreams of finishing school and one day becoming a mechanic.  Simon lives with his grandmother as his mother disappeared when he was six and his father needs to work in Kampala.  Simon is happiest when he is at school with his mates.

“I am happy at school because I have many friends that I play with.  I eat good food like meat and rice, and we play nice games and sing songs too.  When I finish school, I really want to be a mechanic so I can repair cars and other things.”