Educating parents and communities, not just children.

April 28th marked the end of Term 1 for each of our three schools. To celebrate the progress and academic achievements of our students, each school hosted an Exhibition Day for family and friends. With a wide variety of skits, poems, dances and presentations, it is safe to say that the term finished on an extremely positive note!

The theme for both Katuuso and Mbazzi Primary was ‘Animals around the world’. At Mbazzi, many of our ECED students dressed up in costume, singing songs about their favourite animals. Our P3 students performed a brilliant poem about sheep and chimpanzees, while our P4 students gave an interesting presentation about lions and crested cranes. There were also many opportunities for interaction with the audience, with one of our classes leading a discussion on how to safely address a snake bite! The last item of the day was a traditional dance performance featuring students of all ages.

Katuuso also put in a great deal of effort to make their Exhibition Day such a success. Our older classes showcased a great deal of artwork, talking about the habitats and physical characteristics of each of the animals in their pictures. There was a particular focus on big cats and monkeys, with two students providing English and Luganda translations for the audience. At the end of the day everyone headed outside for a quick game of football and turn on the play equipment before heading home for holidays.

At Mbazzi Riverside High School, Senior One started their Exhibition day with a musical skit. With a focus on the importance of education, each of the students took turns demonstrating the negative repercussions of failing to attend school. The play was both informative and entertaining and was particularly well received by the audience! Afterwards, the parents were taken around the school to see the various agricultural programs our classes have been so closely involved in. Bee-keeping and goat rearing garnered a great deal of interest from the audience, with displays and discussions run by our students. Report cards were handed out at the end of the day and lunch was served before everyone headed home. Another fantastic day!
