Senior 1 Learning – Literature, Entrepreneurship and Geography


This term, our Senior One students began to study Literature; a subject taught by Teacher Abigail. Within the introductory lessons, each class learnt about the diversity of literature, its relevance, the structure of a story and the key differences between prose, poetry, novels and plays. They also conducted a case study on Julius Ocwinyo, an author from the Apac District in Northern Uganda. Initially trained as an English and French Teacher, Ocwinyo has written a number of books and now works as an editor with Fountain Publishers. The classes looked closely at one of his most famous books, ‘The Unfulfilled Dream’. They were required to analyse each of the characters and put forward an argument concerning who was the most likeable. For many of our girls, Gwendolyn Akello was the favourite due to her intelligence.



This term also saw our students undertaking the study of Entrepreneurship. Lead by Head Teacher Pamela, each class was introduced to the concept of innovation, the different factors of production, the importance of goal setting and how to conduct processes of risk management and assessment. The characteristics of an effective entrepreneur were also examined, with particular focus on opportunity seeking, flexibility, perseverance and risk taking. During the holidays and at the beginning of next term, our classes will be encouraged to engage in their own kind of enterprise. For some students, this might entail growing their own vegetables at home or working with the pigs and bees we keep at Mbazzi Riverside High School. Everyone will have the opportunity to use the skills they have learnt so far, with Madame Pamela providing guidance and support every step of the way.

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During first term, our Senior One students were introduced to the different forms of geography, including physical, economic and human geography. The topic in focus was North America. Teacher Beatrice used New York as a case study, with a particular focus on the topography, functions of the city, challenges associated with living there and the growth and development of industry.

Joel Kiyimba, our Academic Prefect, scored 96% on his geography exam this term. Mary Nakkito, our Sports Prefect, also scored 96%. In second term, our students will be learning about British Colombia, the Canadian Prairies and the Tennessee Valley Authority. In third term, the clsses will look at England, the Cotton Belt and California.

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