Give52 gives to School for Life

Almost immediately after selling their business back in 2015, Melbourne-based duo Anton and Jenny Gaudry knew they wanted to spend the next chapter of their lives giving back to others - exactly how, though, they just weren’t sure. 

“The idea for Give 52 really came about by chance,” Anton explains. 

 As keen philanthropists, Anton and Jenny had paid multiple visits to charities around the nation in 2019, in the hopes of finding a cause that they could dedicate themselves to - but they soon found there were just too many worthwhile organizations out there to pick just one!

Instead, they decided to embark on Give52 - a monumental giving journey that will see them visit 52 charities over the 52 weeks of 2020, gifting $10,000 to each charity they visit. 

School for Life Foundation was lucky enough to be named as one of the 52 causes that Anton and Jenny have so generously decided to support. 

Above: Anton and Jenny Gaudry, co-founders of Give52.

Above: Anton and Jenny Gaudry, co-founders of Give52.

After chatting online with School for Life’s CEO and Founding Director Annabelle, Anton and Jenny became wrapt with School for Life’s mission to provide a quality, holistic education to students in rural Uganda, and kindly decided to include School for Life in their Give52 journey. 

 “One of our great passions is education,” the couple says. 

 “We know that with a good education, a person can set their own pathway and independently achieve their goals in life.” 

 “We also feel that as we are part of a global community, School for Life deserved our support for its overseas work.”

 Anton and Jenny’s passion for helping others is evident whenever they meet with Annabelle and the School for Life team - a time they always relish. 

 “There is a wonderful solidarity and focus amongst all the people involved in School for Life,” they tell us. 

 “It is infectious to say the least .. and inspiring.” 

 The $10,000 grant that School for Life Foundation receives from Anton and Jenny’s Give52 program will prove invaluable to our communities in rural Uganda, with the funds going directly towards providing our students with a quality education and access to nutritious food, clean water and healthcare for them and their families. 

 The positive change that Give52’s gift can bring to the lives of our students and their families in rural Uganda cannot be understated, especially as our communities face additional challenges during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. 

“Our support is much needed, and we know that the impact of our grant will be many, many times over,” Anton and Jenny agree. 

 We are so grateful for the generosity of the Gaudry Foundation and the Give52 program - their donation has made a real impact on our School for Life communities. 

 We hope that someday soon, they can visit our communities in Uganda and see what an incredible difference they have made.